People Are Loving These "Special Australian Edition" Movie Quotes

    Houston, we're fucken' rooted mate.

    @IllyBocean has spent the last few days recreating classic movie scenes with an added Aussie flair.

    Apollo 13, Special Australian Edition (1995)

    The "special Australian edition" scenes have been rackin' up the retweets, and Bocean told BuzzFeed News there will be more.

    Jurassic Park, Special Australian Edition (1993)

    There are classics like Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    2001: A Space Odyssey, Special Australian Edition (1968)

    Or that famous line from Tony Montana in Scarface.

    Scarface, Special Australian Edition (1983)

    Really, the recreations prove how much better films would be if they adopted Aussie dialect.

    The Shining, Special Australian Edition (1980)

    Wall Street, Special Australian Edition (1987)

    Gone With The Wind, Special Australian Edition (1939)

    Jerry Maguire, Special Australian Edition (1996)

    Titanic, Special Australian Edition (1997)

    Bocean says his favourite quote is from The Omen, as it was the first one he made.

    The Omen, Special Australian Edition (1976)

    "It includes the most Australian dialect choices like 'oi', 'fucken' at the start of a sentence, and 'hey' at the end of it," he said.

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