22 Times "The Simpsons" Got Way, Way Too Real

    You are Lisa Simpson.

    1. When Mr Bergstrom showed up to Springfield Elementary and offered up some of the most powerful words and messages to a young, crushed Lisa.

    2. When Grandpa Simpson fell in love with Beatrice Simmons only for her to die suddenly while Grandpa was away with Homer.

    3. When Moe thought he'd found love in the form of Renee after pretending to be someone he wasn't, only to end with this:

    4. When the Simpsons take a trip to Ned Flanders' beach house and Lisa thinks she can look cool to the local kids, only for it all to backfire.

    5. When Maude Flanders died – a result of Homer ducking away from a T-shirt cannon to pick up a bobby pin.

    6. When we found out why Homer still works at the nuclear power plant.

    7. When Homer leaves this note, unable to cope with his new "smart" self.

    8. When Abe Simpson captured what it's like to grow old.

    9. When Bart, despite his best efforts, still gets an F.

    10. When Barney puts an entry into the Springfield short film festival.

    11. The death of Bleeding Gums Murphy, whom Lisa saw on his last night only by chance.

    12. When Homer thought he had eaten a deadly poisonous blowfish, and only had 24 hours to live.

    13. When Bart realised the importance of his soul, after he sold it to Milhouse.

    14. When Homer tried to get Marge back with this:

    15. When Lisa spoke the truth:

    16. When Homer realised the true fault of society:

    17. When Nelson sang "Papa, Can You Hear Me?" out the window of the Simpson's house after he was abandoned by his father for the umpteenth time.

    18. When Marcia Wallace, the voice of Ms Krabappel, died – and the show opened with this.

    19. When Bart, in a jealous rage, ruined Thanksgiving – but was able to apologise to Lisa at the end of it all.

    20. When Homer, after growing his hair back and losing it again, feels like all is lost – and Marge sings "You Are So Beautiful to Me" to him, nestled in her arms.

    21. When Homer, thinking he had finally gotten his mother back, watches her flee the incoming police – leaving him again.

    22. And when Homer is reunited with his mother but is unable to forgive her, at least until after he discovers that she has passed away.