This Grandma Said "Please" And "Thank You" In Her Google Search And It's Adorable

    Even when you're online, it always pays to be polite.

    This is 25-year-old teaching assistant Ben Eckersley from Wigan, England.

    On Saturday last week, Ben tweeted out a photo of his grandma's computer screen. She'd been trying to google some things and Ben noticed her search terms were delightfully polite.

    Omg opened my Nan's laptop and when she's googled something she's put 'please' and 'thank you'. I can't 😂😂😂

    Ben's nan was trying to figure out what some Roman numerals meant, and took to Google to get an answer – in a refreshingly polite way.

    The tweet has since racked up almost 15,000 retweets and over 22,000 likes. Thousands of people tweeted at Ben, praising his nan's good manners and saying how wonderfully hilarious the whole thing was.

    Ben tweeted a photo with his now famous nan today, and told BuzzFeed News the last few days have been "the most bizarre thing ever!"

    Finally managed to get my famous Nan to take a picture with me!

    "We're both shocked!" he said. "It's huge here in the UK ... It's crazy! She's so happy though!"

    Ben's nan apparently always uses good manners when searching online. "She just thinks that's how it's done!" he said.

    Today, Google responded to the viral tweet, wishing Ben's nan well and finally giving her the answer to her search (if she hadn't figured it out yet).

    Dearest Ben's Nan. Hope you're well. In a world of billions of Searches, yours made us smile. Oh, and it's 1998. Thank YOU @Push10Ben

    So remember folks: