Everyone Is Tweeting At A British Girl They Think Is Whistleblower Freya Newman

    Say hello to your newest "Australian hero."

    This is Freya Newman. Freya appears to be just your regular ol' British girl. And that's because she is.

    She tweets funny memes.

    me and sinead were the worst people to have choose the dimensions boat party when the decision is based on the djs

    Hangs out with friends.

    Gets #rootcanal

    And chats with classmates about the first name of their teacher.

    Whats Mrs Rutters first name? (need to send an email aha) @bexyyy01 @esmemckee @freyanewman @angushopes123

    This is also a Freya Newman, a whistleblower who earlier this year made headlines for leaking information regarding a $60,000 undeclared scholarship granted to the Australian Prime Minister's daughter, Frances Abbott.

    Here we see where the confusion begins.

    Leader of the Australia Greens, Christine Milne, seemed to tweet the wrong Freya Newman in August of 2013.

    Today, British Freya Newman was trending in Sydney.

    Freya Newman, @freyanewman is now trending in #Sydney http://t.co/pCmfpRNn0r

    Otherwise, there just seems to be a lot of people with the wrong idea:

    What is legal will never wholly reflect objective and justifiable good. @freyanewman acted VERY justifiably - legality is irrelevant here.

    good luck to @freyanewman today who did a great service in exposing the insidious corruption of our political system #whistleblowers

    Whatever the outcome of today's sentencing, @freyanewman will remain an Australian hero. #FreyaSentence

    such nice supportive messages from strangers on facebook x...says baffled Bath-based @freyanewman who has no idea who Frances Abbott is

    Freya's friends also appear to be quite confused.

    Freya is also getting some lovely messages of support on her Facebook.

    such nice supportive messages from strangers on facebook x

    FWIW, it does not appear the Australian Freya Newman has a twitter profile.