There Was A Small Earthquake In Melbourne And Everyone Is Making The Same Joke


    Geoscience Australia has verified a 3.2 magnitude earthquake hit the Melbourne suburb of Pakenham early this morning.

    No damage or injuries have been reported, but that hasn't stopped everybody online from making the same joke.

    This is an old funny, but in light of the recent #earthquake, #Melbourne will rebuild! Lol

    Hearing that Melbourne had a 3.2 earthquake.. You'd think it was the end of the world.. #melbourneearthquake #blip

    3.2 magnitutde #earthquake in south east Melbourne this morning. Luckily no reports of any damages

    Thoughts and prayer go out to those affected by the Melbourne "Earthquake" 😂

    Did anyone else feel that?? Tremors going down around Melbourne. #earthquake #wewillrebuild

    Cleaning up after #melbourne #earthquake

    melbourne earthquake. Lucky it wasn't too bad.

    Eight earthquakes have been reported in Pakenham over the past 50 years, with this morning's being the largest.