People Are Freaking Out Over This Guy's Invisible Step Trick

    "I’ve literally watched this 8 million times and I’ve tried to come up with reasons this could work but none of them add up."

    Hello. How are you? Alllllllllllllllrighty then.

    Now that we have the formalities out of the way, please watch this video of an Anderson University football player stepping onto an invisible step.

    Stepping over you haters like🤚🏽


    Originally posted in August, the video started going viral again after Twitter user @Zyphree retweeted it. "I’ve literally replayed this video over and over and still am confused," he said.

    how tf you step in mid air.. I’ve literally replayed this video over and over and still am confused

    Turns out he's not the only one. There's hundreds of people with some serious questions.

    I just caught a Charlie Horse trying to attempt this!.

    i’ve literally watched this 8 million times and i’ve tried to come up with reasons this could work but none of them…

    Literally got out the bed and tried to do this 😭😭

    did he just step on john cena

    The invisible stair trick seems to go back a while, with a few posts on Reddit asking how to pull it off. Apparently, it's all about jumping with one foot while keeping your "stepping" foot still. You can see an attempt here – it's not great, but you get the idea.

    Maybe it's about core strength???

    @thecvmevp Wow, Katie did even better than him 😱

    Or maybe it's a green screen...or some sort of fishing line deal? Maybe it's all fake?

    I tried doing it in the office and nearly popped my knee out, so try it at your own risk. It's obviously harder than it looks. Good luck!