These Are Things To Avoid Eating Before You Go On A Boat

    BuzzFeed Oz just went whale watching. It was awesome, but I was sick.

    Hopefully by recounting my diet today you will not fall into the same queazy journey I did.

    6:45AM: Protein shake.

    7:00AM A swig of pineapple juice.


    Gotta stay clean.

    7:15AM: Coffee with MCT oil (it's like coconut oil) and grass fed butter.

    7:30AM: Six eggs.

    7:55AM: Head off to work.

    This involves a supremely tedious bus route.

    9:10AM: One apple.

    10:30AM: Greek yoghurt with mixed nuts.

    12:10PM: Two slices of toast with peanut butter.

    And that's about it.

    So to avoid this:

    Or this:

    Maybe consult this sick little man's day and decide what will/won't work for you.

    I could also just be soft.