This Professor Screams "Hello!" At The Beginning Of Every Lecture. But It's Actually For A Really Sweet Reason.


    This is Evan Dennis, a 19-year-old student at East Tennessee State University.

    And this is Dennis's psychology professor, Dr. Chris Dula. Dula is 48 years old and says his class is one of the largest on campus.

    On Tuesday, Dennis tweeted out a video compilation of the beginning of his classes with Dula. The professor's lectures start a little bit different to most because Dula lets out a loud, booming "HELLOOOOOOOO" at the start of each one.

    This is how @kryssdula my psychology professor, begins every class and I love it. He has a very inspiring story! Ev…

    People loved the compilation and quickly shared it. So far the video has over 100,000 views and is full of responses from people who wish Dula was their professor.

    @dennis_evan11 @kryssdula @TheEllenShow What a champ

    @dennis_evan11 @kryssdula @TheEllenShow I want everyone to greet me like this.

    @dennis_evan11 @kryssdula @TheEllenShow I think this is great. Little things like can make all the difference in the classroom.

    @dennis_evan11 @kryssdula @TheEllenShow Best professor I’ve had in undergrad!! Dula rocks!

    But Dula told BuzzFeed News his pre-class ritual is just part of living positively – something he has maintained in his life even through illness.

    Now Dula posts to his Twitter and YouTube accounts, keeping everyone updated on his cancer treatment.

    "People have been kind enough to share my posts and retweet my tweets," said Dula.

    "Evan just thought to do his video tweet on his own in support of the effort, and I've been blown away by the reception."