Barnaby Joyce Will Kill Tonnes Of Mud Carp By Giving Them Herpes


    Coming off his successful public humiliation of Johnny Depp, Barnaby Joyce has outlined how he'll kill hundreds of thousands of mud carp using an Israeli-strain of herpes.

    In Question Time he told parliament "We are afflicted with these disgusting, bottom-dwelling, mud sucking creatures," said Joyce, "for which the only form of control is a version of herpes."

    Joyce's anti-carp scheme was announced over the weekend, and will start on the Murray-Darling river system. The plan hopes to have the European carp completely destroyed by the end of 2018.

    As Joyce explained the scheme, he took the opportunity to yell “CARP” as loudly as humanly possible. Boy did he do a good job.

    Australia's deputy prime minister: he really, really doesn't like carp.