Why Won't Twitter Verify The Farmer From "Babe"?

    James Cromwell went through too much to be disrespected in such a way.

    Hey Twitter, hey Jack Dorsey. I know you're busy. But, just for a sec, could I have a minute of your time? I just wanna know... Have you seen "Babe"?

    It's about this pig, right. Well, really he's a piglet. And he's on this farm with all these other animals (can you imagine)? Anyway, the pig - named Babe - really wants to be a sheepdog. Ha ha! The absolute madman.

    Oh, I should mention. All the animals can talk. Which is important, I guess, otherwise the film wouldn't be that captivating. It'd just be like a David Attenborough film without the narration.

    Anyway, blah blah blah, the pig ends up being a sheepdog (or sheep-pig, lol!) because the sheep tell him this secret code word.

    During the whole thing, there's this guy:

    So this guy's real name is James Cromwell (because "Babe" is a movie).

    A movie is like... imagine a Twitter list that has moving pictures and dialogue and goes for, like, 90 minutes. I know, I know, it's not very "shareable" or "retweetable" but please just go with it.

    Recently, Cromwell got Twitter. How about that! Good on him. The man's over 70! What a legend.

    He's been tweeting a lot about animal issues and he also retweets a few folks too. Really, he's participating in the global conversation online, through Twitter, which you should be happy about.

    But the one thing he's not happy about is the lack of verification.

    Jack Dorsey - look at me. Look at me Jack. Do you know how many fake James Cromwell accounts there are? It makes me sick.

    This guy's set up a whole "James Cromwell" Twitter account and acted like he's some guy from fuckin' CARDIFF! And he's not even old! It's definitely not the real James Cromwell.

    So, because of this, James Cromwell has been trying to get verified. And no one is listening.

    It's really not much to ask.

    Please, make 2016 a year to remember. Prove Twitter is better than Facebook once and for all and Make James Cromwell Verified.