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    15 Ways To Avoid Summer Boredom

    It's getting to that point in the summer when the days blend together and you can't remember the last time you got dressed before 4pm. For all of those people counting down the days until they move back on campus, here's a list of small things you can do to prevent yourself from losing your mind.

    1. Exercise

    Though running in the intense heat doesn't seem particularly appealing, working out is a great way to burn time and calories during the summer months. Take a swim, go for a run, hop on a bike, or practice a sport. Invite a friend to join and turn it into a social activity. Losing a few pounds and feeling better about yourself are just a few bonuses.

    2. Try something new

    There has to be something in the catalogue of millions of hobbies that you haven't tried yet. Pick one at random. Have you ever painted before? That could be fun. Collecting quarters? Eh, actually we might want to pass on that one. Find a new hobby that peaks your interest and stick with it.

    3. Netflix (obviously)

    Netflix. Netflix is your best friend over the summer, which we're sure you already know. Is there a show that you haven't watched yet? There probably is if you dig hard enough. Get around to watching that one show that everyone is raving about but you haven't watched yet. Join the cult. Sure, you won't get any sleep or do anything with your life for the next two weeks, but that will bring you two weeks closer to school and probably change your life.

    4. Reconnect with an old friend

    College friends are spread out in different states, and your best friend from home always seems to be working. There is, however, that girl from high school that you've kind of drifted from. You used to be extremely close, but you've hardly spoken a word to her since Christmas. That's okay. Text her anyway. Ask if she wants to get lunch or go out to ice cream. Ignore the first ten minutes of awkwardness, and you could have a pretty nice day and catch up with someone that you realize that you've actually missed.

    5. Read

    We know it sounds like an ancient ritual, but reading is actually a really good way to make the days fly by and maybe even enjoy yourself. Read that one book you never actually read in high school but thought that you might like. Go to a bookstore and pull a book randomly from the shelves. See what literature is lying around your house. You can actually go on an adventure without putting on any pants, which sounds like a great bargain to us.

    6. Check in on college friends

    That one group message is dying down, and you only really keep up with the cream of the crop of college buddies when you're home. Talk to your study buddy that you haven't heard from since May. He or she is probably bored, too. That one conversation can brighten your entire day, not to mention the other person's day as well.

    7. Plan out your life

    If you're like us, then you have absolutely no idea what you're doing with your life. Take a sunny summer afternoon to sort it out. Figure out all the classes you need to take each semester to fill out all of your requirements. Don't know your major yet? Set aside some time to really think about it. Think about the options for your future and decide which one or ones you would want to pursue. The time will speed by, and you'll feel a lot better about yourself now that you've got a game plan.

    8. Rekindle an old passion

    When was the last time you played that instrument you rocked at in high school? Today is the day to make that happen. Think of something you used to really love to do and give it a second shot. You know you'll have fun, and there's plenty of time to practice and improve when you take two naps a day.

    9. Bake

    We love cookies. And brownies. And basically any form of baked good. Learning how to bake your favorite treats is a great way to pass the time and to reward yourself with something sweet.

    10. Play a favorite videogame

    Remember the Sims? We sure do. There's absolutely no shame in spending an afternoon with your old imaginary family or creating a kick-ass theme park with Roller-coaster Tycoon. Okay, maybe there is a little shame in it, but it's also really really fun. There's nothing like deleting a piece of fence of the lion cage in Zoo Tycoon and watching all of the people run for their lives. Is that wrong?

    11. Dream up a vacation

    If you're one of those people that sits around and waits for plans to fall into your lap, get out there and organize a fun day with your friends. Pester them to go to an amusement park or the beach. It will give you something to look forward too. Drive out to see a college buddy you thought lived too far away. They'll be thrilled you want to go through the effort to see them, and you'll be thrilled that you're finally out of the house.

    12. Go see that movie

    Even though we usually wait for the latest blockbuster (is that still a term?) to become available online for us to download, going out to the movies and seeing it is something fun you can do with friends or even by yourself. So what you saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes alone? It was awesome, and you would go see it again.

    13. Be helpful around the house

    This one sounds like a drag. No one wants to do chores; however, offering to do the grocery shopping or finally making your bed can give you a feeling of accomplishment and also those much needed brownie points with your parents.

    14. Spend time with your siblings

    Both of you are just sitting around the house, utterly bored. Go up to your little brother and ask him if he wants to do something. Even just sitting around watching television together can make it feel like you're actually doing something, and your siblings will be thankful for the activity as well.

    15. Nap

    Napping is the best. We dream of naps during school (literally dream of taking good naps while we're napping), and now we have the time to nap as much as we please. Take advantage of a lazy summer afternoon to just shut your eyes and catch up on the sleep you were behind on for the past nine months.