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You Know You Are A Good Mother When...

Dedicated to Briged Bardetta.

1. When you take your kids to the Beach(:

2. When you drive your kids everywhere!

3. When you make little kids happy(:

4. When you put up with the strangeness of your kids.

5. When you spoil your kids on christmas!

6. When you go on adventures with your kids

7. When you look this beautiful(;

8. When you swim with your kids even though you don't like swimming.

9. When you put up with your daughters selfies :p

10. When you take your kids to the fun world.

11. When you take your kids on lunch dates.

12. When you put up with this...

13. When you take on three.

14. But it turns out you have to deal with four...

15. And you take them all out for a picnic.

16. And most of all, you know you are a great mother when you love your family and they love you back<3