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    5 Things I Learned About Women From Everyday Sexism's #WhenIWas Hashtag

    EverydaySexism is encouraging people to use the #WhenIWas hashtag to show how young girls are when they first experience sexism - and the results are both saddening and infuriating.

    1. Women should definitely NOT have successful careers.

    #WhenIWas in 7th grade male teacher would excuse boys from class so they can watch football match while us girls would study.

    #WhenIWas aged 13 or 14 I was told I couldn't be a solicitor or doctor by my school career adviser, as I was a girl . . .

    #WhenIwas 13, told teachers I wanted to be an engineer: ‘Too complicated, women don’t do that usually.’ I was the best in my maths class.

    2. Marriage is the most important thing for a woman.

    #WhenIWas 7 I was told to let the boys win sometime or I would never get married.

    #WhenIWas 16 I was told I was never going to get married if I kept being so bossy.

    3. Sexual harassment is 'just fun and games' if you're a woman.

    #WhenIWas 6 I was physically pinned against a wall by two boys "playing" kisschasy

    #WhenIwas 8 years old, the boys in my class tried to coerce me into showing them what was beneath my skirt @EverydaySexism

    #WhenIWas 15, my female teacher told me to "stop overreacting" when I said I was being sexually harassed by a boy in my class.

    4. Female body hair is disgusting and should be stopped, immediately - as should periods.

    #whenIwas 11, group of boys made fun of my hairy legs. I was in town, shopping. First time I felt ashamed of my body. Mum taught me to shave

    #wheniwas 13/14 you were made to feel ashamed& insecure about having your periods. Natural bodily functions scare people @EverydaySexism

    5. Women must ALWAYS consider how they look and what others think about their clothes.

    #WhenIWas 11, I was told to wear a t-shirt over my swimsuit in school swimming lessons because I was more developed than the other kids

    #WhenIwas 10 mum told me I shouldn't wear shorts like the other children cause I was curvier and I would attract perverts @EverydaySexism

    @EverydaySexism #WhenIWas around 13/14 our PE teacher would tell our group (all girls) how we weren't 'graceful enough' when playing sports

    #WhenIWas ten i was sent to the office for wearing shorts that were "distracting" to boys. TEN.