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    22 Things Only Yogis Will Understand


    1. People have said you're emotionally attached to your mat.

    2. An inspirational instructor is better than any medicine/therapist/nap.

    3. You turn down plans because they conflict with your yoga class time.

    4. You hate when someone disses yoga pants.

    5. You're used to wearing minimal clothing.

    6. You feel very off when you miss a few classes.

    7. When there's a new person in class and all they do is make weird faces:

    8. You notice your friends aren't that zen.

    So you start to recruit.

    9. If someone asks you to move your mat when half the room is empty...

    10. How you feel after doing the standing series without falling over for the first time:

    11. What you think happens when you do the Lion's Breath:

    12. When you reach a long downward dog after a few too many Chaturangas:

    13. When someone makes eye contact with you in the mirror and you lose your balance:

    14. The first time you tried a headstand, it was like...

    15. When you're in deep meditation at the end of a session and your neighbor is packing his/her mat up really loudly:

    16. You don't understand when someone says they don't like water.

    17. This looks like something worth saving up for.

    18. Having to switch yoga studios for any reason is your living nightmare.

    19. Free hand towels!!!!

    20. You're sad when they don't do your favorite yoga pose in class that day.

    21. When you finally get to lie down on your mat:

    22. The feeling of serenity mixed with energy at the end is EVERYTHING.

    And it's UNANIMOUS.