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    Papa Park's 5 Seconds Of Fame

    HaPpY fAtHeR's DaY to the OG GOAT! This year, I've set out to make my dad famous for Father's Day...because he deserves it and because he's the GOAT.

    And who exactly is this infamous man, you ask?

    With a Killer Sense of Style

    I mean just look at that 'Stache

    What's that? You'd like a closer look??

    But don't think that it comes for free

    The result of much dedication to the practice

    He's quite a skilled man...some may even refer to him as "Sensai"

    And this Sensai would like to say or...*ahem* show a couple of things...

    H@PPY F@TH3R'$ D@Y 2 @LL D@ D@D$ 0UT D3R!!!!!!!!