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21 Of The Craziest Things People Have Done To Impress Their Crushes

"I sat on his girlfriend's face."

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the craziest thing they've done to impress their crush. Here are the hilarious results.

1. The Case of the Missing Brows

2. The Dare Devil

"One year my neighbor had a summer pool party for the kids in my grade. It was tradition for all the most daring boys to jump off the roof and into the pool, so, naturally, I got up on that roof. As I waved to my crush, I slipped off the roof and landed my left shin on the edge of the pool. An ambulance ride and 32 stitches later, he pronounced his love for me. It was worth the scar I have now."


3. The Amateur Fashionista

4. The Ass Piñata

"She was into BDSM so I let her shoot 12 industrial staples into my butt cheeks and then beat them with bamboo spoons for an hour. I couldn't sit comfortably for two weeks."


5. The Tennis Champ

6. The Dancing Cowboy

"One time I was in an online relationship in seventh grade with a 14 year old named Sid. This was before the time of digital cameras, and I was too young to get my own disposables developed because I didn't have a car, so I sent him my dance recital photos in skimpy leotards and heavy blush. I put them in the mailbox (how else would you send pictures?) and my parents found them in the outgoing mail. I'm pretty sure my mom cried. Her 11 year old chubby brunette was sending pictures of herself barely clothed in a cowboy hat to what was most likely a pedaphile in Ohio."


7. The Hopeful Gamer

8. The Secret Snapper

"I was Snapchatting my crush and I wanted my boobs to appear bigger and perkier, so I told my friend—who was with me—to hold them up while I snapped the picture (without getting her hands in it of course). Took a few tries, but I sent it."


9. The Seductress

10. The Flat Iron Fail

"My crush once told me my hair looked pretty (I had straightened it for picture day), so I woke up an hour earlier for school every morning for the next two years and straightened the crap out of my hair until finally it was so fried my mom made me get a bob. I cried."


11. The Invasive Cannonball

12. The Phantom Girlfriend

13. Edward Scissorhands

"They mentioned how they needed their hair trimmed, so I told them I was really good at cutting hair…I never cut hair a day in my life."


14. Three's Company

15. The Science Screw Up

16. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

"As a child a few of my friends and my crush were gathered at the lunch tables. We were all discussing cool tricks we could do with our bodies. Some had double jointed thumbs, others had voice talents. I focused everyone's attention on me and shouted, 'I can pull out my hair!' and then promptly pulled out a chunk of my hair. My crush called me disgusting and left. My first tragic heartbreak."


17. The Knuckle Sandwich

18. The Handsfree Acrobat

"In third grade I had a huge crush on a boy. He and a group of his friends had a club that would meet on the monkey bars during recess. One day I asked if I could join the club if I showed them something cool...I said that I could swing on the monkey bars with no hands or feet. They were like 'LOL OK,' so I said '1… 2…3,' and flung myself backwards. I face-planted in the dirt. The teachers LAUGHED at me."


19. DIY Sushi

20. The Impromptu Wrestler

21. And The Classic Bend and Snap

Note: posts have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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