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22 Horrors Every Hairy Girl Has Suffered Through

You're not alone in the fight against body hair.

1. A big part of your monthly budget goes towards products for removing ~body hair~ in its various forms.

2. You've tried everything: razors, creams, machines, lasers, lights...

3. ...all because your bathroom routine is way more complicated than anyone can possibly imagine.

4. Nobody knows what you have to go through time and time and time again. (Or your razor.)

5. Only you and your hairy brethren feel the pain.

6. Especially when the dreaded hot weather is on the way...

7. Everything you see serves as a little reminder that it's never not a good time to pluck a few hairs from your (uni)brow (again).

8. These could practically be your baby photos.

9. Or maybe this one, if you're not convinced.

10. You had to start shaving when you were very young...way before any of your friends.

11. You don't understand how it happens, but moments after you've shaved, you look like this.

12. And when you try to take a sexy photo without preparing first, it comes out something like this:

13. Sometimes you really think it's just a matter of time before this happens to you:

14. But there are those good days when your hair is looking fabulous.

15. If you ever skip shaving, it essentially becomes impossible to tell the difference between your leg and your boyfriend's leg.

16. You've heard the "joke" about hobbit's feet a thousand times...

17. Bracelets are like medieval torture devices for a hairy arm.

18. You dream of getting married someday, but the thought of this gives you nightmares.

19. And if you go too long without dealing with your mustache, it starts to feel like you're channeling Bieber a little bit.

20. And you're no stranger to the infamous ~baby hair~ either.

21. You and your plumber are best friends, or you've learned to unblock your own shower like a pro.

22. But the best thing is that you've learned to accept your natural beauty, with hair or without.