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    Questions For The Guy Who Ghosted Me

    In the words of the great Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers... "Really?! .. Really?!"

    1. Of all the ways to stop dating someone, why pull this Houdini disappearing act?

    2. Do you realize you took the coward's way out?

    3. Where are your balls?

    4. What happened, why disappear instead of just talk or even just message me?

    5. Did I do or say something wrong?

    6. When did you decide you wanted to move on?

    7. How do you expect me to move on when I'm so confused?

    8. How do I ensure the next guy I'm with doesn't do this to me?

    9. Did you realize that this is way more painful than being dumped?

    10. Did you just want me for sex?

    11. Why do I still miss you?

    12. LAST QUESTION....

    13. Message: Don't Pull This On Another Girl

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    Listen to Aretha and have some RESPECT.