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    The 15 Things That Chicken Nugget Lovers Are Tired Of Hearing

    You know who you are....

    1. "You know there's no nutritional value in those right?"

    2. "What part of the chicken do chicken nuggets come from?"

    3. "Have you ever seen Supersize Me?"

    4. "I haven't had fast food in I can't even remember how long."

    5. "I don't understand why anyone would order 20 chicken nuggets."

    6. "Can I just have one?"

    7. "Do you know how they make those?"

    8. "How can they even make those so cheap?"

    9. "You should try chicken nuggets with ____ sauce next time."

    10. "I always feel so disgusting after I eat chicken nuggets."

    11. "There's nothing in chicken nuggets that provides sustainable energy."

    12. "They're just SO bad for you."

    13. "How many chicken nuggets do you think you could eat in one sitting?

    14. "I could never eat that many chicken nuggets."

    15. "I think eating chicken nuggets is fine.... every now and then"