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    7 Facts That Will Make Teenagers Feel Old

    Born between 1997-2000? Read this.

    1. Hannah Montana premiered on Disney Channel closer to 1998 than today

    2. Most Second Graders are younger than the Wii

    3. Most Second Graders are also younger than the PlayStation 3

    4. If Greg Heffley aged since the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid was released, he would have graduated high school by now

    5. Some Third Graders are younger than Over the Hedge

    6. Elementary school kids don't remember a time before iPhones or iPads

    7. If you were born in 2000 or earlier, the high school class of 2014 was in fifth grade (at most) when you started kindergarten

    If you were born on December 31st, 2000, you would be in eighth grade; the graduating class of 2019. 2019 - 2014 = 5.