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Straight Sex For Men Is Very Different From Gay Sex For Men And Here's Why

Spontaneous sex: a dream for a straight couple, a nightmare for the gays.

1. First of all, there's the obvious: In straight sex there are two options for penetration.

In gay sex, it's in your butt or nothing.

2. The vagina is self-lubricating.

The butt is as dry as the Atacama Desert, which hasn't seen rainfall since before the birth of Christ.

3. Because of the whole lubricating on its own thing, lube isn't exactly necessary in straight sex.

In gay sex, lube is literally the most important part and don't let anybody tell you any different.

4. In straight sex, you can pretty much just get right down to it.

A gay man could spend 20 minutes in the bathroom bending at impossible angles to try to douche himself before the fun starts.

5. In straight sex it's like, "Hey, I had a curry tonight but let's still bang, nothing to worry about here."

In gay sex it's like, "Hey, I had a curry tonight so there's a NO FUCKING ENTRY sign on my ass."

6. But having said that, women have their time of the month where they might not want a dick between their legs.

Gay men don't have to worry about that kind of mess.

7. In straight sex it's pretty common knowledge who is penetrating who.

In gay sex you need to decide who's the top and who's the bottom and to what level of that you both are.

8. For straight people it's just a case of, "We want sex, let's do it right now at this very second."

For gay men it's like, "We want sex right now, let's do it, but wait, what if I shit myself?"

9. And finally, for straight sex it's all about hitting the G-spot.

Which isn't too dissimilar for gay men, who are trying their hardest to hit the P-spot.