Ryan Reynolds Posted Emotional Pictures On Instagram After Kids From Make-A-Wish Visited The "Deadpool" Set

    "Deadpool kicked cancer in the taint, but these kids do it for real every day."

    By now we all know that Ryan Reynolds is handsome AF, funny AF, and now, thanks to a new Instagram post, we also know he's a real life superhero too.

    Ryan posted pictures to Instagram on the set of the new Deadpool movie which showed kids from the Make-A-Wish Foundation visiting for the day.

    And yep, the pictures were enough to make anybody with a heart pretty emotional.

    There's nothing in my eye, these are just tears, don't mind me.

    And if that wasn't emotional enough, Ryan spoke about the day in the caption, saying that while he plays a character who's beaten cancer, "these kids do it for real every day".

    Fans quickly flooded the comments with messages of support.

    And Make-A-Wish also thanked him for being a wish-granter.

    However, although most fans were positive about Ryan's support, some mentioned that Deadpool is Rated R and therefore isn't appropriate for kids to be watching. But Ryan quickly shut that down.

    A superhero on and off screen.