Someone Asked Ryan Reynolds If He's Ever Watched "Gossip Girl" And His Response Made Me Choke On My Coffee

    The question we all needed an answer to!

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    So! A lot of us are currently on lockdown due to the coronavirus, or we're at least self-isolating and practicing social distancing, meaning we have plenty of time to sit around and do a whole lot of nothing. Great!

    Well, if your name's Ryan Reynolds, you're potentially rewatching some of your favourite TV shows, which just so happens to include some of wife Blake Lively's most iconic work.

    Because, of course, you already know that Blake is well known for her role as Serena van der Woodsen in Gossip Girl. Now's a better time than any to start from Season 1 all over again!

    Using his quarantine time in the best way possible, Ryan decided to finally answer the question about whether he's ever actually watched the iconic TV show, and, duh, his response was perfect.

    That's right, you don't just ~watch~ Gossip Girl, you drink it in like fine wine!

    @SamSchiessl I didn’t watch it. I drank it through my eyes.

    I'm not sure if this is what Ryan actually means when he says "I drank it through my eyes", but I'm just going to assume and move on.

    Anyway, that wasn't all Ryan was talking about. He also got to discussing some of his own movies after being asked for recommendations during lockdown.

    When talking about his 2010 movie Buried, someone responded and said the whole thing had pissed them off. Ryan didn't hesitate to agree, even if it was his own movie.

    Spoiler alert: Ryan spends like, 98% of the movie in a coffin underground. Have to admit, that does sound kinda terrible.

    Somebody else brought up Ryan's 2014 movie The Voices. I have personally never seen this movie, but it stars Anna Kendrick and is apparently a horror/comedy with talking pets. It sounds...well, kinda batshit if you ask me.

    But, even so, the movie is actually one of Ryan's favourites (unless this is sarcasm). He called it "weird and fun and beautiful", which is definitely one way to describe it.

    @MStarkloff One of my favorite movies I’ve ever done. Never really got its day in court, but man, it’s weird and fun and beautiful. #TheVoices

    He later said that The Voices was actually a blueprint for his upcoming movie Free Guy, which is about a bank teller who "realises he is a background character in an open world video game that will soon go offline". Sounds like a wild ride.

    @Bosslogic Weirdly, it was my blueprint for Free Guy. But without all the murder of course. 👕

    That movie is slated for release in July. No telling if we'll be out of this mess by then, but hey, fingers crossed!

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