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19 Things You'll Just Get If You're Absolutely Hopeless With Money

Savings account? Can't relate.

1. You love to treat yourself. It's literally one of your favourite things to do.

when you thought you only had $4 left in your account but check and you really have $23.42

2. But it just so happens that this passion leaves you flat-ass broke.

3. You purposefully don't check your bank account because what you don't know can't hurt you.

4. But when you do check, your account is basically trolling you and it's beyond disrespectful.

5. You often online shop, add things to your basket, and then fantasise about actually being able to click "purchase".

6. You can be pretty reckless with money. In fact, "reckless" is probably an understatement.

7. This is proven every month when you spend your last £20 on a treat for yourself over something necessary like, idk, food.

8. You basically find it impossible to save money.

9. Which means you probably don't have a savings account.

10. Payday is honestly the best day of your life and you're pretty upset that it comes only once a month.

11. When you get paid, you act like a baller for the first two days and then leave yourself broke for the other 28.

"I had $600 in my account and I spent $20. I should have $580 left." *checks account* -$150.98

It's a vicious cycle.

12. You're actually impressed with how you manage to get through the rest of the month with little or no money after you've been on a spending spree.

13. You've fantasised a lot about winning the lottery or stumbling into a lot of money.

14. And you've definitely already got a list of the first things you'd buy if you did actually win the lottery.

15. Your favourite birthday and Christmas present is money, plain and simple.

16. You've tried to get the cheap version of stuff but it just doesn't work out and you always revert back to the more expensive, branded version.

17. You've come to realise that people who constantly try to tell you that you don't need all these expensive things aren't really your friends at all.

18. Even so, you've vowed to change your ways many times.

19. But at the end of the day, you know you're always going to be shit with money, and that's just how it is.