A Starbucks Barista Left A "Bridesmaids" Joke On Maya Rudolph's Cup And I Can't Stop Screaming

    "You're really doing it, huh?"

    It's been almost eight years to the day since Bridesmaids was released, and it's still just as iconic now as it was back then.

    So, you can imagine everybody's joy when there was a mini Bridesmaids reunion as Maya Rudolph joined Melissa McCarthy, who was guest hosting on The Ellen Show.

    Of course, the two got talking about the 2011 classic, with both revealing that they still get people coming up to them in the street and repeating Bridesmaids jokes back to them.

    Melissa revealed: "Every once in a while, I get a 'Did you really do that in that sink?'" You remember the scene, right?

    Meanwhile, Maya revealed that she still gets comments about her iconic Bridesmaids scene, which sees her having a little ~accident~ in the middle of the street while wearing a wedding dress. You know exactly what I'm talking about!

    "I think, for me, I will always be the lady who took a shit in the street," Maya joked. And if you don't believe her, she has a very true story to back it up...

    It all started in Starbucks, where Maya says she goes by the name Donna since the baristas usually misspell her name or can't pronounce it. So, there she was, waiting for her drink, when the barista "sheepishly" came over and handed Maya her coffee.

    And what had been written on Maya's cup? Well, just look for yourself.

    Looks familiar, huh?

    I honestly can't stop screaming.

    You can watch Maya tell the story for yourself here. Oh, and if you need a little Bridesmaids refresher, you can watch that scene right here.