18 Things You'll Understand If You're The Easy Target In Your Friendship Group

    RIP me.

    1. Your group chat is not a safe place.

    2. You can often predict when you're about to be teased but sometimes it just comes out of nowhere.

    3. Sometimes you think you're out of the woods and then BAM, it's back full circle to you.

    4. When you've been away from the group chat for a while, you'll return to find you're still getting teased.

    5. You're thankful when the heat moves away from you.

    6. And you're more than happy to jump on the bandwagon.

    7. But joining in comes at a risk, because the person being teased will throw you under the bus to take the heat off them.

    8. You often think of a good comeback but then have to make the decision on whether it's worth sticking your oar in.

    9. 99.3% of the time, it's not.

    10. There has definitely been a moment when you've been appointed as the Michelle of the group.

    11. You're probably the youngest person of the friendship which gives everyone more ammunition.

    12. You make the mistake of telling your friends EVERYTHING and they have no problem with storing this information and using it in the future.

    13. You're sometimes quietly impressed by the speed at which your friends come up with comebacks.

    14. But for the most part, it's got to the point now where their insults go in one ear and out the other.

    15. You've admitted that their bitchiness has rubbed off on you.

    16. You're all so horrid to each other, it's a surprise when someone actually says something nice.

    17. It's completely fine when they tease you but the minute somebody else does, you know they've got your back.

    18. You sometimes admit how much you actually love each other.