21 Times "Home Alone" Proved Adults Are The Absolute Worst

    For starters, they forgot their eight-year-old and went on holiday. Good one.

    1. Kevin's mum doesn't care about what Kevin is saying because she's "on the phone".

    2. The adults leave Kevin to pack his own suitcase. Kevin is eight.

    3. Uncle Frank basically KOs his own child.

    4. And then proceeds to call Kevin, who I must remind you is eight-years-old, a jerk.

    5. When Kevin says everybody in the family hates him, his own mother doesn't even deny it.

    6. Kevin's mum leaves the head counting to one of the older kids and doesn't even bother to double check.

    7. After running all around the house, taking a taxi, running through the airport, and boarding the plane, Kevin's parents ~still~ haven't realised they've left him behind.

    8. The adults put themselves in first class and shove the kids in coach. Responsible adulting at its best.

    9. Uncle Frank actually steals something from the airline because it is made out of crystal.

    10. It's not until they are way over the Atlantic and a fair few hours into the flight that the adults even realise they've left Kevin behind.

    11. Frank, WHO IS THE WORST FUCKING ADULT EVER, thinks that leaving his reading glasses behind is on the same level as forgetting Kevin.

    Good one Frank.

    12. Kevin's mum starts getting an attitude with the police because obviously it is their fault she has left her child in another continent.

    To get on the phone in the first place, Kevin's mum snatches it out of a poor woman's hand, because apparently everybody else should pay for her mistakes.

    13. The policeman that goes to check on the house decides that after a minute of knocking nobody's home, despite all the lights being on.

    This man is paid to fight crime and with logic like this, it's clear to see we are all in safe hands.

    14. Harry and Marv plan to loot houses at Christmas time. Robbing houses is not acceptable at any time of year, but CHRISTMAS? Is nothing sacred?

    15. Not just satisfied with robbing people blind at Christmas, Marv turns on the taps in every house they rob so as to flood it.

    What an asshole.

    16. Also, Harry apparently doesn't believe in the art of watching the road while driving.

    17. The old couple need to be bribed with two first class tickets, a ring, a watch, a pocket calculator, $500, AND a pair of earrings to give up their seats for a mother trying to get home to her son for Christmas.

    18. Santa gives Kevin three Tic-Tacs as a present because clearly Christmas is a time for pushing the boat out.

    19. Harry and Marv continually try to (unsuccessfully) catch and punish Kevin.

    20. And when they finally catch him, they take advantage of Kevin's height and hook him to the back of a door.

    21. But the one thing that proves adults are actually the worst? THEY MANAGE TO LEAVE KEVIN BEHIND FOR A SECOND MOVIE.