14 Hilarious Valentines Tweets For People Who Are Single AF

    "If you’re having sex on Valentines day have some for me aswell"


    Valentine Day less than 2 weeks from now


    them: do you have a valentine this year? me: no them: why? me:


    i asked my boyfriend if he was gonna be my valentine & he said “we can’t let capitalism win.” get me outta here


    If you’re bored on Valentine’s Day just go up to random couples in restaurants and shout “Who the fuck is she?!”


    me after telling myself this year was gonna be different & I was gonna have a valentine


    Foolproof gift ideas for Valentine’s Day: - a delicious muffin - ancient books - a shiny dagger - 3 dozen glass jars for her alchemy ingredients - smol dragon - VERY VERY BIG DRAGON - two muffins


    Single Twitter what we doing valentines while fraud relationships get cosy in premier inn? I say we link up and do Go Karting


    you’re telling me the guy who used me for sex and ghosted me who hasn’t spoken to me in months ISNT going to ask me to be his valentine ? the world we live in .....


    if i had a boyfriend i would simply take him to see sonic the hedgehog the movie on valentine's day


    "Do you have any plan this coming Valentine's Day?" Me:


    My daughter got in the car and said, “Boy’s suck, Valentine’s sucks, I’m going home to eat Thai food and listen to Lizzo in my pajamas” and I think she’s ready for adulting.


    If you’re having sex on Valentines day have some for me aswell


    another valentine’s alone fuck


    lads out here spending £300+ to take a girl away for valentines day but only buy their mam a cadburys milk tray on her birthday