21 Inventive And Sometimes Slightly Disturbing Meals People Are Making In Quarantine

    People's creativity has no bounds.

    H/T to this brilliant Reddit thread: r/shittyfoodporn

    1. This chicken dish that probably left whoever eating it feeling a little blue.

    2. And this pasta that looks like something from the deep sea.

    3. This mac 'n' cheese that deserves a Michelin star.

    4. And this cheese plate that just goes to show, you don't need to buy from an artisanal fromagerie to feel fancy.

    5. This bagel that, despite its colour, probably isn't one of your 5 a Day.

    6. This charcuterie board that might make your teeth hurt.

    7. This food portrait from someone who probably couldn't get hold of a paint by numbers kit.

    8. This lasagne sandwich that actually looks pretty damn tasty.

    9. This hot dog that is all fun and no bun.

    10. This Mexican–Italian fusion spaghetti taco.

    11. This turkey dinosaur pasta bake that is a twist on two school dinner classics.

    12. This egg...wrapped in another egg.

    13. And this egg medley, packed full of protein.

    14. This creative milk replacement for your breakfast cereal.

    15. This slightly terrifying bunny breakfast.

    16. This sweet twist on the hot dog that is perfect for pudding.

    17. And this inverted hot dog that is really quite disturbing.

    18. This gourmet fish finger on an HP Sauce reduction that belongs on an episode of MasterChef.

    19. This peanut butter on toast with gherkins and Sriracha sauce that is definitely an acquired taste.

    20. This tinned spaghetti–shepherd's pie mashup that is probably delicious.

    21. And finally, whatever this monstrosity is.