23 Hilarious Moments From "The IT Crowd" That Are Still Laugh Out Loud Funny

    "A fire? At Sea Parks?!"

    1. When Moss was challenged to a game of street Countdown.

    2. When Denholm Reynholm left the board meeting.

    3. And when Roy and Moss didn't know what to say at Denholm's funeral.

    4. When Jen started dating a guy who looked like a magician.

    5. And who can forget when she started going out with Peter File?

    6. When Jen thought she was presenting 'the Internet' in a speech to Reynholm Industries shareholders.

    7. When Moss and Roy became "proper blokes" and got into football.

    8. When Moss tried to put out a fire and couldn't remember the new emergency services number.

    9. When Roy dated a woman whose parents supposedly died at Sea Parks and he couldn't get his head around it.

    10. When Roy's bottom got violated.

    11. When Moss had a nutritious breakfast.

    12. When Aunt Irma visited Jen and everyone's cycles synced up.

    13. When Moss needed a confidence boost so Douglas suggested he try wearing women's trousers.

    14. When Moss got Roy his coffee.

    15. When Jen got addicted to the social media platform 'FriendFace'.

    16. When Roy expressed his opinion about his fellow man.

    17. When Jen gave some tips on what not to do when browsing the internet.

    18. When Moss was a guest speaker talking about his dark past.

    19. When Moss got stuck in a claw machine trying to win a prize.

    20. When Moss and Roy kissed to evade the police.

    21. When Moss unknowingly played hard to get.

    22. When Moss, Roy, and Richmond tried to look normal at Jen's dinner party.

    23. And finally, who could forget this classic recurring line from Roy?