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    10 Reasons To Stop Using The R-Word Right Now

    You will definitely think twice before using this word.

    Before giving you the reasons not to use the word retard(ed). Here are some facts about it.

    According to the OED, retarded means "less advanced in mental, physical or social development than is usual for one's age." It is also listed as a "dated" or "offensive" adjective. As for retard, a noun, the definition is: "a mentally handicapped person (often used as a general term of abuse)."

    Now, with this in mind, here are the reasons to never use the word:

    1. Because you probably don't mean what you are saying.

    When you call a friend retarded for guessing the wrong answer in a Jeopardy game or for not noticing what is just "so obvious" for you, you probably don't mean he is mentally handicapped. (If you do, you probably don't have too many friends.)

    2. Because you can definitely find a better word.

    There are 1,025,109.8 words in the English language. Yes, apparently there can be 8/10 of a word. So why only use those two?!

    3. Because these are some replacements for the R-word(s):

    "Trivial, absurd, uncool, illogical, ignorant, childish, pointless, silly, unnecessary, airhead, damn-fool, dimwit, dork, goof, jerk, loser, absent-minded, irrational..."

    These are only some of the substitutions that can be made (check out more synonyms in the source). So, when filling in the blank for "I'm such a _______" or "you're so _______" or "this is _____" don't use the R-word!

    4. Because you are offending a bunch of people.

    From kids that have severe impairment due to autism, to adults with a minor dislexia, the r-word hurts all of them. It is not even used as a "medical jargon" anymore because of the weight that word carries.

    When referring to people that experience some kind of mental difficulty or reduced intelectual capacity, the proper term is: "intelectual disability."

    5. Because you sound ignorant.

    Aren't racial slurs offensive? Isn't the N-word full of negative connotations? Isn't it used/seen pejoratively? Well, so is the R-word. Its wide-spread usage doesn't make it less harmful; actually, it does just the opposite by perpetuating the message that it is "ok" to use it.

    If you don't want to sound stupid, don't use it.

    6. Because it ignores individuality.

    And doesn't follow the "people first" concept - which basically says that those with intelectual disabilities are humans with emotions, thoughts and will; not just the name of their disorder, much less just (or should I say, at all) the stereotypes that come with the R-word.

    7. Because words are powerful.

    Remember around Middle School when we all heard that talk in school about how rumors can spread fast? That's the power of language and communication. "Language affects attitudes and attitudes affect actions" and vice-versa. If you use a hateful word, how does that mold and reflect your actions?

    8. Because when you get called out you will feel really embarrassed.

    And you should - we ALL should.

    9. Because now you have the power to stop it.

    Language is indeed powerful but we are more. By using different words, by talking about the problem the word generates, we are choosing to change. And after reading this list there is really no logical reason not to.

    10. Because it's easy to pledge to try to use (and one day conquer the usage) of thoughtful, "people-first" language.

    Check out this awesome website to learn more and to pledge:

    Remembering that you have to "spread the word to end the word." So talk about this, share your thoughts with your friends and finally (even if little by little) monitor yourself and peers so you stop using the R-word.

    Not Acceptable R-word PSA

    View this video on YouTube