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37 Unexpected Gifts That'll Put Santa To Shame

In your face, Santa!!!

1. A fancy deck of playing cards featuring dapper-looking animals.

2. A Mickey Mouse–branded body care kit by Kiehl's with Creme de Corps, soy milk and honey body polish, and body cleanser.

3. A fun book filled with comics that tell them what they already know: Cats are weird.

4. A Quirky Crate that does all the work for you and sends your pal up to nine unusual gifts a month.

5. Or a Betty Boomerang Crate — a monthly box filled with retro, midcentury goodies.

6. A shiba sweatshirt perfect for anyone who wishes they were actually a dog.

7. A game of Scary Bingo, which is a lot like regular Bingo, but you know, scary.

8. A pocket wine aerator for people who are, like, really particular.

9. A robe they can wear while making breakfast or practicing magic.

10. A retro-style telephone so they can call you up and tell you how you nailed gift-giving this year.

11. A ridiculously fancy version of Clue for intense game nights.

12. An adorable zippered wallet to hold their rainy day fund.

13. A Marshall Stockwell portable Bluetooth speaker so they can feel like they're jamming out with a tiny, baby amp.

14. A fuzzy peach notebook they won't be able to stop petting.

15. An electric skateboard for the daredevil in your life.

16. A Star Wars necklace so cool it deserves its own franchise.

17. A meaningful plaque that will guide them in times of uncertainty.

18. A calming candle so their whole home can smell like a bookstore.

19. A funny zip-up hoodie featuring the best Ice Cube/Ice-T collab anyone could ever hope for.

20. A unicorn tea infuser for a truly magical cuppa.

21. A pair of decadent goat milk caramel sauces you may be tempted to keep for yourself.

22. A travel cocktail kit for making an elaborate rosé gummy bear drink.

23. A high-risk game where the loser gets smacked in the face with whipped cream.

24. A mermaid tail blanket for anyone who wants to do a reverse Little Mermaid and return to the sea.

25. A rolled ice cream device so they can make fancy, Instagram-worthy treats right in their own home.

26. A casual little bee house they can set up to invite tiny, flower-loving friends to their lawn.

27. A Glamspin — the perfect marriage of lip gloss and fidget spinner.

28. A trio of hot sauces as delicious as they are beautifully designed.

29. An unofficial cat-themed Monopoly game to play when you want to learn about cat breeds while buying up real estate.

30. A pair of monstrously cool socks for anyone who likes to get wild.

31. A collection of tiny ornaments meant to be worn in a beard — because it's way cheaper than a tree.

32. A Fondoodler (from BuzzFeed's Product Labs) capable of turning cheese into art.

33. A set of musical wine glasses that'll come in handy if they ever need to enter a beauty pageant undercover.

34. A snuggly hoodie with a kangaroo pouch so they can carry their pet around wherever they go.

35. A miracle device that gives them cold brew to go, so they never have to settle for bodega joe again.

36. A game of pachinko they can play with their bottle caps instead of loose change.

37. A LED cactus light for mood lighting that's on point.

Do your holiday shopping with BuzzFeed. Check out all of our gift guides here!