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    13 Indisputable Truths About Emails In The Workplace

    Hell hath no fury like a semi-colon scorned!

    1. Some people just don't know when to stop chiming in on those meant-to-be-funny "reply all" chains.

    2. Others are simply incapable of letting anyone else hit that final send.

    3. Other people will forward ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

    4. Self-promoting is a necessary evil, but only keep essential people on the recipients' list.

    5. Passive-aggressive BS and subtle disses are often the norm.

    6. Never ever confess to any wrongdoings (mischevious or otherwise) over email.

    7. The bad and ridiculous stuff that gets sent around is sometimes hilarious...

    8. People will send massive, inbox-clogging attachments...often multiple times.

    9. A lot of people don't realize how their words come off over email.

    10. There are still people who would rather do EVERYTHING on the phone.

    11. It's obnoxious to shout, "PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS EMAIL" in your signature.

    12. It's imperative to reply to specific inquiries in a timely manner.

    13. No emojis allowed!

    XOXOXO, Your Fav

    Right? [email redacted]