19 Things You'll Understand If You've Ever Had A Houseplant

    You haven't always been the best plant parent.

    1. You had fantasies of transforming your home into a verdant wonderland.

    2. You imagined beautiful rows of cacti lined up on your shelves.

    3. Because you love plants with all your heart, and want to fill your life with them.

    4. But things haven't always gone to plan.

    5. You know the heartbreak of a deflated cactus all too well.

    6. It was like, "wut?" Caring for cacti was meant to be easy.

    7. But looking after plants takes more knowledge and effort than you realised.

    8. You've probably discovered that your houseplants are only happy in one particular place in your house.

    9. And tbh you're running out of space.

    10. You've definitely experienced the awful guilt of being a bad houseplant parent.

    11. You leave watering cans/jugs/glasses around the house to remind yourself to top up your plants.

    12. But still this has been you on more than one occasion...

    13. Although usually you catch them in the nick of time.

    14. You keep going because there's nothing more magical than watching something grow.

    15. Even though you've messed up with a few plants, that doesn't stop you buying more.

    16. They just look so damn beautiful, and they clean the air to boot.

    17. Even though you're not always the best mother to them, you love your houseplants like your children, and it breaks your heart when they don't thrive.

    18. Sometimes you'll live with a dead plant just because you can't bear to chuck it out.

    19. But as time goes on, you're getting the hang of it and your plants are looking lusher and happier.