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9 Slightly Odd Things All British People Do

We'll never tell the hairdresser we hate our new haircut.

1. Ending a phone call to the gas people / broadband people / tax person / doctor / council / funeral director with these three exact words:

2. Genuinely falling out with someone over a biscuit*.

3. Apologising when someone bashes into you in the street.

4. Apologising when your food is bad in a restaurant.

5. Taking a weird pride in queuing.

6. Saying the opposite of what you mean to avoid awkwardness.

7. Compulsively mentioning the weather at every given opportunity, then feeling ashamed for being such a cliché.

8. Cultivating a large, quite ugly, but extremely precious mismatched mug collection.

9. And swearing at someone you love to show your affection.