22 Little Secrets Wedding Planners Will Never Tell You

    Our biggest fear is someone getting cold feet.

    1. Bridezillas are scary – but mumzillas are worse.

    2. But seriously, bridezillas are a real thing.

    3. Everyone thinks we have the most glamorous job in the world.

    4. We’re obsessed with weddings. Like obsessed.

    5. We have to make sure the wedding budget doesn't spiral out of control.

    6. We try to get the grooms involved as much as possible.

    7. Sometimes it feels like we’re pre-marriage counsellors.

    8. Couples get cold feet for all sorts of reasons.

    9. We get a lot of weird requests.

    10. Themed weddings are tricky to organise, but they’re so much fun.

    11. We do our utmost to keep everyone happy.

    12. Sometimes you can locate a bride by the sound of screaming and crying.

    13. Oh, and did we mention groomzillas?

    14. We keep our fingers tightly crossed for good weather.

    15. But a creative response to rain can be even better than sunshine.

    16. There’s immense pressure on us for everything to be perfect.

    17. It’s incredibly fun to go to weddings every weekend.

    18. We honestly never get bored of the big day.

    19. Although we do have to kiss goodbye to spring, summer, and autumn.

    20. We get to eat a lot of cake.

    21. We love being surrounded by love all year round.

    22. The best bit is watching the happy couple on the dance floor at the end of the night.

    H/T to the wedding planners of Reddit.