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    16 Signs You Love Food Too Much

    Food+You=True Love.

    1. You get unnaturally happy when you matter what it is. It can be downright scary.

    2. Seriously can be anything. A brown banana? Don't mind if I dooo!!!

    3. ...

    4. You want to make-out with your cheeseburger.

    5. You have your priorities in order.

    6. You can't say no and you realize what it's going to do to your sexy figure...

    7. You find it hard to discipline yourself when it comes to food.

    8. You're border line in a relationship with food.

    9. Food is *always* there for you.

    10. It's all you think about and you don't care about anything else.

    11. You only go to social functions if there is eating involved.

    12. You always want to eat. Even when you aren't hungry, you are.

    13. You find it hard to share your food.

    14. It almost becomes a hobby.

    15. This is your biggest dilemma in life. Who are you kidding? Eat that extra cookie. #YOLO

    16. If you've ever felt like this poor kid right here.

    View this video on YouTube

    Why did I eat more chocolate thingies?!?!?! UGH!