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    The Many Underused Uses Of The Middle Finger

    The middle finger can communicate the entire spectrum of emotional responses. Perfect for most every situation.

    There's an urban legend about the origin of the middle finger. According to lore, the French would cut off the middle finger of Englishman after defeat. The English longbow, made from the yew tree, was the ultimate weapon of the time. Once the middle finger was removed, the English would be unable to pluck the bow. However, as the story goes, when an Englishman defeated a Frenchman, they would stand above them, with middle finger extended. "I can still," he would declare, "pluck yew. PLUCK YEW!"

    The middle finger has evolved to become one of the most recognizable and versatile non-verbal words in our language (and I'd assume other languages as well, though I speak none of them). The middle finger can communicate the entire spectrum of emotional responses. Perfect for most every situation.

    Here's a list of the many underused uses of our most versatile finger:

    When you’re annoyed

    To let your finger say what your mouth cannot

    Just playing around

    To stick it to the man (behind his back)

    To rebel against authority

    As an exclamation to your point

    To get the last word

    When you no longer have to give a shit

    When you’ve just had enough already

    To say ‘bye’ to a best friend

    When you’re wrong and still don’t GAF

    You absolutely love your children, but sometimes…

    If you’re suffering from creator's block

    When you’re all thinking the same thing

    Despite the results, you know you’re right

    To let the people know how you really feel

    When you can’t really be THAT mad

    You’ve got nothing to lose

    To tell the world exactly how you feel

    When you’re cold, and wet, and tired

    When you can finally say what you really feel

    When you know you’re wrong but won’t admit it

    When they couldn’t hear your insult

    When you’re too tired to argue

    Just minding your business and someone interrupts

    To politely declare your irritation