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    Guess The Book From A Random Line Of Text

    Can you guess these well known books from a random line of text in the story?

    1. Which Jane Austin book is this from?

      "But not before they went to Brighton?" "No, I believe not."

    2. Which Tolkien book is this from?

      In a great cave some miles within the edge of Mirkwood on its eastern side there lived at this time their greatest king.

    3. Which book about race is this from?

      "Every night he sees me, he runs out and screams and yells and carries on. Every single night."

    4. Which Bryce Courtney book is this from?

      "Maybe that's why we have to stop the hating now, before its too late."

    5. Which Dan Brown novel is this from?

      Is she talking about the Ancient Mysteries?

    6. Which Khaled Hosseini book is this from?

      He fished a bright blue burqa from the bag.

    7. Which 50 Shades book does this come from?

      "You look beautiful, Anastasia." He kissed my hand and exits the car.

    8. Which modern day novel could this be from?

      They chopped so much of her she died a skeleton.

    9. Which Harry Potter book will you find this question in?

      "What are they for, Hagrid?" asked Harry

    10. Which amazing book has this line in it?

      I'm sorry it's been such a very long time since I wrote my last letter to you.