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    What It's Like When You Try A New Lip Color

    I don't know...Will I actually wear it?

    1. You walk into Sephora, lips nude (and sad). The workers stare at you.

    2. Maybe I should leave. My lips are making people uncomfortable.

    3. But waitwaitwait I came in for a reason.

    4. You walk in slowly.

    5. But inevitably, some perky Sephora girl will want to help.

    6. You can say no all you want, they're still going to be attached to your leg until you leave.

    7. She'll ask you what kind of lipstick you want.

    8. She'll ask if you'd like to try something bold and new.

    9. She pulls out a terrible color.

    10. Another color.

    11. You tell her that you aren't looking to try something that bold.

    12. Maybe something more along the red lines?

    13. You find three or more perfect reds, and can't decide between them.

    14. She'll try and help you by weeding them out.

    15. Of course, the cheapest one makes you look washed out.

    16. The second one is much too bold.

    17. And the third one...

    18. But it's so expensive.

    19. So you reluctantly try to walk away.

    20. But you can't just leave it there!

    21. You go back.

    22. But hey, beauty is pain, amirite?

    23. You fork over $60 dollars, but go home happily.

    24. You drive home, slowly.

    25. Rush inside and scurry to the bathroom.

    26. You open it, and it's perfect.

    27. You cherish the moment before the first application.

    28. It applies even better than at the store.

    29. It makes you feel confident.

    30. And no one will bring you down.

    31. You go, girl.