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    13 Animals You've Kept Waiting

    Don't be selfish. Have you ever thought how it must feel like to be a panda and wait for some human being? Clearly, you have not.

    1. You done yet? I need to use the bathroom.

    2. You said you'd only be a minute getting the ladder.

    3. I told you to put your dirty socks in the laundry hours ago.

    4. Can I check my email now?

    5. You're not working, you're chatting on Facebook.

    6. You said there would be a picnic.

    7. Let me know when you're done watching TV.

    8. I fell asleep waiting for you.

    9. Hey, where's that beer?

    10. Where's the waitress?

    11. I've been waiting for my share of memes.

    12. Can we go now?

    13. When you said I can go for a swim, I didn't realize you meant your bathtub.