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    Why Today Just Sucks For Me


    I woke up this morning with a killer headache.

    But I popped some (legal) pills and headed to work.

    But it doesn't end there, oh no, .... some guy decides it's a good idea to cut in front of me.

    Finally I get to work.

    I was expecting a hooray or something cuz YOU DON'T KNOW HALF OF WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH ... but no.

    My colleagues couldn't be more uninterested to see me.

    I push through the day until lunch time. As per usual, the food sucked.

    Then people start to realize that I'm miserable.

    At that point I decided to go home.

    Which is what brings me here, in bed, constantly blowing my nose, and writing about it on BuzzFeed.

    Why did I write about it?

    Because I want your well wishes, because I was bored, because I feel like shit, but more importantly: where else does one go for fun?




    1. Because I'm sick, and laughter is the best medicine (and happiness comes from being promoted on BuzzFeed, or something, I guess).

    2. Because I just made a website!! YAY! I want everyone to go see it!! Why? Because I'm that desperate. ( )

    3. Because it is the worst mood booster ever.

    4. Because the more people tell me to get well, the faster I will get well (proven by science! .. I think ...)

    5. I need love too!

    (Also, this isn't a desperate attempt to get a promotion, OK, so stop whatever it is your thinking bub.)