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    Cat Ivan loves to chase butterflies. As any inquisitive cat he recently asked me where butterflies come from. I didn't know. Thank goodness I found a YouTube video that explained the secret. Boy, was I relieved and Cat Ivan happy. Only question he had? "Do they come in Tuna flavor,dad?" Enjoy.- rate - hate - like - share - fave- purrs & meows from Cat Ivan =^.^=


    View this video on YouTube

    Cat Ivan loves to chase butterflies. As any inquisitive cat he recently asked me where butterflies come from. I didn't know. Thank goodness I found a YouTube video that explained the secret. Boy, was I relieved and Cat Ivan happy. Only question he had?

    "Do they come in Tuna flavor,dad?"

    Enjoy.- rate - hate - like - share - fave- purrs & meows from Cat Ivan =^.^=