29 Signs You Went To A Scottish Boarding School

    It's just like any other boarding school, but with more haggis and Irn Bru.

    1. You still rely on these bad boys to get you through the tough times.

    2. And you know this is the ultimate treat after a hard day's work.

    3. Your school took rugby VERY seriously.

    4. And you felt an intense dislike towards anyone from your rival schools.

    5. Talking of rival schools, away matches could take half a day to get to.

    6. You expect a full pipe band to turn up at every special occasion.

    7. And you know that no party is complete without a ceilidh.

    8. Nobody can quite place your accent.

    9. And even though you probably went to uni in England...

    10. ...you relate more to the schoolgirls in Wild Child than you'd like to admit to your non-boarding friends.

    11. Pretty much all of your teachers were St Andrew's graduates.

    12. You definitely snuck some of this into a school disco at some point in your life.

    13. Nobody else could wrap their heads around why you did GCSEs and A Levels.

    14. Singing hymns was your favourite part of the day...

    15. ...although most of them seemed to be English-themed.

    16. Burns Supper was the one night of the year that your school acknowledged that it was Scottish.

    17. The choir were practically school royalty.

    18. But CCF was like Marmite.

    19. You spoke in a way no one else had any hope of understanding.

    20. Your school alumni includes several athletes, actors, and the odd prime minister.

    21. People have mistaken your school for Hogwarts before now.

    22. Despite others making fun of it, you actually loved your uniform.

    23. Your school houses were named after obscure places in Scotland.

    24. There was a constant supply of gossip as nothing stayed a secret with your roommates.

    25. You did Bronze, Silver, and Gold DofE.

    26. And even though it snowed for a month straight most winters, you never got a snow day off.

    27. You know that the friends you made at boarding school will be your friends for life.

    28. Because despite being scattered across the world...

    29. You're all constantly in touch via a WhatsApp group chat.