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23 Extremely Important Baby Fashion Lessons From 2014

These little goobers are wise beyond their years.

1. In a pinch, underwear makes a great hat.

2. Chanel is a must.

3. If you're going to make your debut on Twitter, do it in Ralph Lauren, a la Hazel Krasinski.

Pics of kids should only come direct from parents. So I'm thrilled to introduce you guys to Hazel!!! #NoKidsPolicy

4. You're never too young to start walking in heels.

5. Seriously. Start now.

6. This is how you throw shade.

7. And this is how you throw double shade, thanks to Simon and Eric Cowell.

8. Bibs can be formal wear, too.

9. The higher the ponytail, the closer to Heaven.

10. The only way to announce yourself is with a pair of matching father-child shoes.

11. Shopping can be a long and grueling process.

12. Surround yourself with designer clothing, and you will naturally be more stylish.

13. When worn with a double breasted cardigan, jeans are completely appropriate for a family photo.

14. Real boys wear pink.

15. If you're not wearing Hermes, are you even wearing shoes?

16. You don't need muscles to wear a muscle tee.

17. The only way to listen to music is through your bejeweled headphones, a lesson River Rose Blackstock learned early on.

Got 2 sing with @TYcom tonight in Chicago & watched her and Garth as well! Amazing show! It was River's 1st concert!

18. Trying to decide what to pack? Lay out ever piece of clothing you own the night before your trip.

19. Big brothers are the best source of fashion inspiration.

20. Flower crowns aren't just for music festivals. Just look at Carmen Baldwin's accessory!

My baby angel (thank you @MikkelPaige for this photo) #ninesevenfourteen

21. Do yourself a favor and match your shoes to your cardigan.

22. While posing for a photo with your sibling, coordinating color schemes will give you cohesive results.

Subject change: I love Gideon and Harper, and love that they love NYC.

23. And most importantly, if you're going to book a magazine spread, it better be Vogue.