I'm 22 Weeks Pregnant, And Here Are 17 Interesting And 2 TMI Things I've Learned So Far

    LOL, this is probably a really weird announcement to any family member I haven't told.

    Hi! My name is Audrey, and I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first kiddo.

    an ultrasound photo

    Being pregnant is wild???? Like, that's all I have to say about that. Here are 17 things I've learned/observed in the process that range from "Huh, I didn't know that" to "Weird!"

    the author with her partner

    1. It's so much harder to control my emotions than it normally is.

    the author sitting on a couch with her dog

    2. My pregnancy cravings are nowhere near what they're like in the movies.

    a man about to go outside and the words "Darling, are you sure you want watermelon?" and the response "M-hm, and some chop suey, too"

    3. My worry has taken a bell curve–type shape.

    a drawing of Audrey with an arrow pointing to her belly and the word "baby"

    4. I HATE not being able to lift things.

    Doppler the dog

    5. Now that I mention animals, I think my pets know.

    a cat sleeping on the author

    6. Feeling the baby kick is all kinds of weird.

    ultrasound photos

    7. Being pregnant makes you feel excluded.

    the author with a beverage and the words "asked the waiter for a non-alcoholic mule, but to make it look like a real mule so I could get a good picture"

    8. Going to the doctor all the time for being pregnant is expensive.

    an ultrasound photo

    9. There is no room to be a needle weenie.

    the author's arm with a Band-Aid on it

    10. I got really excited I wouldn't get my period for a while, but pregnancy symptoms are their own genre of suck.

    the author cradling a coffee with a no sign on it

    11. It's really hard to symptom-check since every pregnancy is different.

    Reddit roundup

    12. A baby doppler has been crucial in quelling my anxiety between appointments.

    the author holding a doppler

    13. Getting up and down is surprisingly difficult.

    the author lying on a chair

    14. I did not love the baby at first.

    Winnie the Pooh baby pants

    15. I'm desensitized to the very random little quirks my body has developed.

    the author holding her belly

    16. I am so worried I'm going to lose my identity.

    the author holding a baby

    17. I wasn't prepared for the boobs.

    the author smiling and soaking her feet in water

    18. The ultrasound tech will say nothing, which I get, but it's still frustrating.

    19. Finally, the pregnancy glow is real, and it's awesome.

    the author and her partner smiling

    I'm in a weird phase of knowing what's in store next and not knowing what's in store next, but if you've been pregnant before, tell me your favorite tips and hacks in the comments, and if you haven't been pregnant and have a weird or oddly specific question, ask away! I'm an open book.