17 Fun Facts About Thanksgiving That You'll Read Out Loud To Your Favorite Family Members

    You don't want to know how many calories you eat...

    1. If the Pillsbury Doughboy balloon was made of actual dough, he'd be enough to make about 4 million crescent rolls.

    2. Green bean casserole is so popular that Campbell's estimates 40% of all of their cream of mushroom soup is sold just to make the dish.

    3. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day for plumbers. It's called "Brown Friday."

    4. In 2015, Macy's was the world's #2 consumer of helium due to the parade. The first was the U.S. government.

    5. And each balloon costs at least $510,000 to fill.

    6. In 1953, Swanson accidentally over-ordered 260 tons of frozen turkey for Thanksgiving. After the holiday, they chopped them up and marketed them as the first TV dinners in America.

    7. Forty-six million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving.

    8. And Americans consume over 5 million gallons of jellied cranberry sauce.

    9. "Jingle Bells" was originally intended to be a Thanksgiving song.

    10. The average American consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving day alone.

    11. The first Thanksgiving took place in modern-day Canada, 43 years before the feast at Plymouth.

    12. Thanksgiving was originally held on the last Thursday of November, but President Roosevelt made it the third Thursday to make more time for Christmas shopping.

    13. Lobster, deer, and goose were served on the first Thanksgiving.

    14. Turkey isn't what makes you sleepy on Thanksgiving. You're sleepy because of the "changes in metabolic activity during digestion."

    15. Macy's trains over 400 volunteer clowns every year for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    16. According to AAA, Orlando, FL is the #1 destination in America on Thanksgiving.

    17. And finally, PornHub's viewership decreases by 13% on Thanksgiving day.