It's OK To Admit That You'd Still Play With 18 Toys From Childhood Even Though You're A Full Grown Adult

    *Doesn't go to work because you're surrounded by toys*

    1. You guys see this grade-A Viewmaster? Yeah, you'd definitely pick one of these bad boys up and scroll through those pictures.

    2. Motherflipping Beyblades. You'd be so excited to see these again, you'd be lettin' them rip all day long. We can battle together.

    3. Haven't seen this bad boy in a while, have you? Robosapiens were the shit, and you know you'd spend all day pressing the button on the remote to make it dance.

    4. I know I'm throwing it way back here, but I'm not even kidding. There's something so gratifying about pushing the knobs and seeing the characters pop up. 10/10 would ask a baby if I could play with it.

    5. I remember when my little sister got a Barbie Dreamhouse for Christmas, and I happily neglected all of my age-appropriate toys to decorate it and pretend I was an interior designer. True story. You'd do the same.

    6. These things were frustrating as hell, but you couldn't put it down even today. You'd be so determined to beat your high score, you'd cancel all of your appointments.

    7. I remember when we got these out, it was a battle to the death. You know if you had one of these, you'd want to secretly go into the bathroom so nobody knew you were filling your Super Soaker up, and then blast your parents who were quietly watching TV. Moms everywhere, you've been warned.

    8. Even though it didn't have a lit screen, you still treasured your Game Boy Advance, and if you find one but the cartridge isn't working, just blow on it. It's the simplest fix of all time.

    9. You put one of these on your face. Admit it. HOW FREAKING FUN WAS IT?! You know you'd get side-tracked for at least 15 minutes laying one of these on your face.

    10. Real baking is hard. Miniature baking is also hard, and I don't know if you were like me, but I distinctly remember a lip in my Easy Bake Oven that made sliding my delicious devil's food cake out of the oven much more difficult than it had to be. Either way, miniature baking is much more fun than regular baking, so you'd for sure want to whip up a few recipes in this.

    11. While we're on the topic of oven-based entertainment, I'd like to point out Shrinky Dinks. I went into existential crisis mode when I ran out of those plastic papers. If a Shrinky Dink maker and some of those papers were in front of you right now, you know you'd take the day off of work.

    12. WHO DOESN'T NEED AN UNNECESSARILY LARGE ART SET? Seriously, why are these just for kids? You can make so much art and hang it up around your house, because you're an adult and you do what you want.

    13. You know the only thing that made Spirographs better were glitter gel pens. You remember the frustration that came with your pen slipping and RUINING the whole thing. It was a mess, but you know if you had the chance, you wouldn't stop drawing these.

    14. I have a confession: I've never played with a Bionicle set. But, my cousins got them every year for Christmas and I was mad because they look way more badass than regular Legos. Look at all the tools. Go get a Bionicle, and cancel your Friday night plans. We're having a Bionicle party at my place.

    15. POP BEADS, BABY. I am formally throwing out all of the jewelry I've acquired, and I'm making all of my accessories out of these puppies. It was so easy to do and they look so fab. GAH, I need some now. I'll order some, and you and I can make friendship bracelets.

    16. Also in the bead category, do you remember these irony beady thingies? I DO. Now you don't have to wait for a parent to help, and you can find a good use for your iron, because, let's be real, who actually irons their clothes?

    17. Adults are supposed to unwind with a glass of wine and a good book? Nah, fam. You know you'd rather plug up a Lite Brite and get lost in the colorful pegs and unbelievably scary clown stencil for the next few hours. Be careful though, they heat up pretty fast.

    18. Finally, if you saw one, you could def use one of these Razor scooters to tear up town with. Maybe Heelys were more your jam. Either way, they're better than any other mode of transportation offered to us adults.