14 Little Home Hacks That I Personally Find So Simple And So Genius

    So simple I am actually a little angry that they never occurred to me.

    1. This seems like such an easy solution instead of constantly getting red marks on my arms from carrying six grocery bags on each arm up stairs:

    2. IDK why I haven't thought about this, but it really would've saved the green bean casserole at Thankgiving when I misjudged how quickly the salt was going to come out:

    3. This is a genius way for me to mask the odor of old shoe and dog around my house:

    4. My least favorite part of making dinner is rounding up the salt, pepper, paper towels, and condiments needed right before I can eat. Here, I could have them all in one spot:

    5. OR I CAN DO IT WITH CLEANING SUPPLIES. No more saying to myself, "Where did I put the Windex? It was just here..."

    6. The second I read this one, I checked, and yikes. My dishwasher could not have been happy with me.

    7. This is so smart. IDK why we don't cut all sponges in half, TBH.

    8. I am PARANOID about breaking my washer, so I am definitely going to try this out.

    9. I had no idea Swiffer bottles could be opened! This is a game changer.

    10. This is an excellent idea for a way to utilize time:

    11. Once you get one piece of glass in your foot, you'll be like me, who sweeps, then vacuums, then lint rolls every time glass breaks. This is gonna save me the lint rolling step. I can feel it.

    12. All the pads and tampons in one easy spot? Yes please!

    13. I have gotten dust in my mouth from cleaning a fan and standing underneath it. This is such a good idea.

    14. Lastly, there are so many nooks and crannies that are going to meet their match thanks to this video. It's so simple that I'm mad I hadn't thought about it.

    Do you have a favorite cleaning hack? If so, please tell me. I don't think I'm cleaning or organizing at maximum efficiency, and OMG I WANT TO.