16 Tiny Deadly Animals That'll Make You Never Want To Leave Your House Again


    1. The golden poison dart frog may look cute, but it's packing enough toxins to kill 10 grown men.

    2. With bodies only about 5 centimeters long, blue-ringed octopuses are equipped with venom 1,000 times more powerful than cyanide...and they can bite through a wet suit.

    3. The Indian red scorpion's sting is fatal, and they're probably hiding the same place you are.

    4. The Brazilian walking spider, as well as looking intimidating, delivers a bite that can cause vertigo, hypothermia, erratic blood pressure, convulsions, sweating, shock, and a long painful erection in males.

    5. Irukandji Jellyfish will get you without you knowing. They're transparent and the size of your pinkie fingernail, but they could kill you.

    6. The Lonomia caterpillar looks really pretty, but can cause hemorrhaging and the blood to clot inside your blood vessels upon touch.

    7. Measuring only four inches long, the deathstalker scorpion has one of the most toxic venoms and one of the fastest tail strikes in the animal kingdom.

    8. Flamboyant cuttlefish are sea creatures not to mess with, no matter how pretty it is.

    9. Harvester ants are small, but they come for you in swarms. Also, they inject poison into you with their bite.

    10. At three centimeters long, blue dragons eat venomous creatures for lunch, then harness the venom to create a powerful sting.

    11. Mishandling the assassin bug can end you up with dead skin tissue, but that's not nearly as bad as the fate of their prey.

    12. Honestly, if you see a freshwater snail, run.

    13. Box jellyfish have a chemical cocktail in their venom that it can cause cardiac arrest in just five minutes.

    14. The cone snail has a venom harpoon that it won't hesitate to inject you with. It can pierce a wetsuit and only needs 1/10 the amount of poison of a deathstalker scorpion to get the job done.

    15. The Africanized honeybee isn't venomous, but it'll swarm you if you get too close (which might honestly be worse).

    16. Finally, the Asian giant hornet is truly terrifying, and their stings cause paralysis, multiple organ failure, and death.